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Part of the Members of the Armed Forces










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发表于 2023-3-5 14:08:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The phenomenon was particularly striking in Honduras, which had not experienced an internal war in the 1980s. Extremely high homicide rates were observed, 50 as of 2000, 84 in 2011. Although these rates fell, they remain extremely high , 39 per 100,000 inhabitants in 2018. These phenomena of violence were particularly present in urban and border areas. El Salvador also experienced a considerable increase in the homicide rate; this, which was 48 in 2002, became 71 in 2009, before registering a significant reduction in 2013, 40, followed by a new upward trend until 2015, when it reached 105 before falling again. Urban areas and the border area with Honduras and Guatemala were the most affected.

This multiplication of the number of homicides was accompanied by many other forms of violence present in Honduras. Although to a lesser extent, the same rise in the homicide rate is observed in Guatemala. The scenarios for C Level Contact List upsurge in violence were, first of all, the capital and the border areas. Nicaragua, for its part, did not register a spectacular rise in the homicide rate at the national level, except in the autonomous regions of the North and South Atlantic. when it reached 105 before decreasing again. Urban areas and the border area with Honduras and Guatemala were the most affected. This multiplication of the number of homicides was accompanied by many other forms of violence present in Honduras.

Although to a lesser extent, the same rise in the homicide rate is observed in Guatemala. The scenarios for this upsurge in violence were, first of all, the capital and the border areas. Nicaragua, for its part, did not register a spectacular rise in the homicide rate at the national level, except in the autonomous regions of the North and South Atlantic. when it reached 105 before decreasing again. Urban areas and the border area with Honduras and Guatemala were the most affected. This multiplication of the number of homicides was accompanied by many other forms of violence present in Honduras. Although to a lesser extent, the same rise in the homicide rate is observed in Guatemala.


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